Join us for APDA Optimism Walk!

On With Life is putting together a team to participate in the annual American Parkinson’s Disease Optimism Walk, and we would love for you to join us!

This year’s walk is taking place on Saturday, September 21 from 11 am – 12 pm at the Walker Johnston park in Urbandale. Our team, On With Life PD Warriors, will be there walking not only to spread awareness about Parkinson’s disease, but support the continuance of the resources APDA provides to those living with Parkinson’s, as well as research initiatives.

Unable to join us to walk but interested in supporting this cause? No problem! You can easily visit our team page to make a donation. Click here to sign up to walk or make a donation!

On With Life works closely with the APDA Iowa Chapter and is passionate about the work they do to support the Parkinson’s population. We thank you for considering being a part of this event or donating to support the cause!