Giant Strides Capital Campaign

The campaign to expand and enhance On With Life

Over the past 30 years, On With Life has helped individuals and families facing the fear and uncertainty that accompanies brain injury and other neurological conditions. Founded by families who recognized the unique challenges of brain injury, On With Life has continued to grow by asking big questions and coming up with big ideas to enhance the lives of those we serve.

And now, with your help, we are ready to make Giant Strides which will enable more individuals to benefit from the world-class, person-centered approach of On With Life. Despite the thousands of families who have been impacted by On With Life, there is still much work to be done. Due to space limitations, On With Life is still only able to serve a small fraction of the population that could benefit from our services.

As the healthcare and insurance industries have changed, the average time spent in inpatient care has decreased, shifting the focus to outpatient and home-based care. Instances of stroke and Parkinson’s are projected to increase dramatically as baby boomers grow older, and 15-20% of current outpatient persons served are experiencing post-COVID neurological challenges.

We appreciate your willingness to learn more about this important project, and we hope you will join us in impacting the lives of countless families coping with the effects of stroke, Parkinson’s disease, concussion and traumatic brain injury.

Campaign Priorities

Expanded Outpatient Programming
In addition to more space to address increasing demand, On With Life’s outpatient program will be expanded to include new programs, helping persons served not only survive, but thrive. These additional services and the expansion of current programs have the potential to double the number of individuals and families served through outpatient services at On With Life.

  • Job and Skills Training: Helping persons served gain new skills to return to work
  • Driver Training: Access to driver training programs is key to gaining independence
  • Parkinson’s Center of Excellence: Expanding current Parkinson’s programming, participation in clinical trials and increased outreach and education

Enhanced Technology and Equipment
Technology has the ability to greatly aid in rehabilitation and increase independence for those living with brain injury. Giant Strides will enhance On With Life’s ability to deliver services utilizing:

  • Telehealth: Allows On With Life to deliver more services to those living in remote areas.
  • Tablets and Smart Tech: Provide greater independence and communication ability.
  • Adaptive Technology: Custom solutions to enjoy activities like golf, sewing or fishing.
  • OWL Academy: Dedicated space for staff education, collaboration and training on best practices with providers around the world.
  • Durable Medical Equipment: Dedicated space to service and discuss DME needs with persons served and their families.

Improved Inpatient Experience and Safety
Inpatient services remain an important part of On With Life’s work. Updates to inpatient rooms will result in making more flexible spaces that can be effective when treating any injury or condition. Rooms will also have private bathrooms, access to oxygen and suction, and enhanced in-room communication tools will support the safety and needs of those whom we are privileged to serve.

Campaign Leadership


  • Jeff Lamberti
  • Andrea Woodard

Honorary Chairpersons:

  • Charlene and Don Lamberti


  • John Ahrold
  • Carmine and Steve Boal
  • Kim Butler Hegedus
  • Julie Fidler Dixon
  • Art Filean
  • Marcia and Rich Flaugh
  • Russ Hansen
  • Gail McGaughy
  • Jean Shelton
  • Steve Van Oort
  • Kerry Walter-Ashby
  • Doug West

If you have questions or would like to visit with On With Life staff, please reach out to Sara Wilson, development director, at (515) 289-9611 or